Explores the role of plant-based diets in preventing, arresting and potentially reversing non-communicable diseases.

In this webinar Dr Margaret Cornelius explores the role of plant-based diets in preventing, arresting and potentially reversing non-communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes. She also explores potential challenges that may be encountered in adopting such diets in the Pacific.


Dr Cornelius worked with the Ministry of Health in Fiji for 34 years in the fields of diabetes, public health, health promotion, health information systems, health planning, health research, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and wellness. She is a founding member of the National Diabetes Center and Foundation as well as the National Center for Health Promotion and the National Health Promotion Council.


Dr Cornelius has also served in technical and national advisory roles for AusAID funded health programs for 6 years. She is currently promoting wellness through lifestyle changes and is a short-term advisor on NCDs for the Foundation for Rural Integrated Enterprises & Development  (FRIEND) Fiji.

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